Gatsby Flax/Kotahi demo: about this site


About this site

This is a quick version of the site made in Gatsby. It's pulling content from a WordPress GraphQL endpoint. It makes a page for each article and dumps the HTML into a div. There's no markup processing happening – what's coming from WordPress is being dumped straight into React.

Note that here images are being included – they're hotlinking to the original WordPress install.

One big benefit of using React is that we could use the Pubsweet component libray to make sure that content appears the same on the Kotahi side and on the Flax side.

If you click the button on the front page, Netlify will rebuild the content on this site (builds take about a minute). Note, however, that this probably won't do anything visible – the content on the CMS isn't changing.

Other versions:

footer content goes here! 2021